IMPACT: Improving Mathematical Prowess And College Teaching [Full Report & Executive Summary]
The 2018 American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) standards guide lays out recommendations for impacting mathematical prowess, and improving mathematics education in the first two years of college. This guide builds on the content of, "Crossroads in Mathematics," and "Beyond Crossroads: Implementing Mathematics Standards in the First two years of College." As a part of this work, AMATYC outlines four pillars as key themes: • Proficiency: Developing Students' Mathematical Knowledge • Ownership: Taking Responsibility and Showing Initiative • Engagement: Developing Intellectual Curiosity and Motivation in Learning Mathematics • Student Success: Stimulating Student Achievement in Mathematics Finally, this guide serves as a resource for professional growth, and as a framework to make significant changes at the individual, departmental, and college level.