Webinar that examines why it is important to focus on advising when implementing math pathways at scale and explores a step-by-step guide to develop a comprehensive advising plan using Dana Center resources and tools. (45:16)


The resource shows how a variety of institutions aligned math pathways with programs of study; it is an example of how programs of study might be categorized. The list is intended for use as a reference, as each school context is unique. Information was compiled from the Dana Center's Mathematics Pathways Transfer Inventory, with specific focus on math requirements at several four-year colleges and community colleges in Texas that are well aligned with the math pathways model.

DOWNLOADABLE FILE(S): Sample Math Pathways List.pdf

Exemplar resource from Texas for its meta-majors (e.g., liberal arts, business) aligned to relevant math pathways.

DOWNLOADABLE FILE(S): Emerging Texas Math Pathways.jpg

Table of Contents for State-Level Math Task Force Toolkit The toolkit includes the following resources (in order): -- Math Task Force Process by Objective -- At-a-Glance Timeline by Objective -- Identifying Task Force Members -- Identifying Task Force Members (part II only) -- State Readiness Assessment -- State Higher Education Context Template -- State-Level Student Data Template -- Facilitating Data-Driven Discussions -- Math Pathways Resource List -- Math Pathways Slide Deck -- Effective Meeting Checklist -- Setting the Charge -- Effective Strategies and Messaging for Communication and Engagement -- Defining the Challenges -- Linking Challenges & Solutions -- Prioritizing Solutions -- Drafting Recommendations -- Planning the Vetting Process -- Publishing & Disseminating Recommendations

DOWNLOADABLE FILE(S): Math Task Force Toolkit TOC.pdf

This tool will help a state- or region-level planning team review and finalize task force membership based on a thorough mapping of your state context.

DOWNLOADABLE FILE(S): Identifying Task Force Members.pdf

This tool will help a state- or region-level planning team review and finalize task force membership based on a thorough mapping of your state context.


This tool is designed to help develop and establish an effective charge of the math task force that communicates its goals and areas of work.


This template will help inform Dana Center staff and consultants about the characteristics of higher education in the state or region and will help them better understand the context in which mathematics improvement work takes place.


This tool surfaces important activities, structures, and policies that is essential for implementing and scaling multiple mathematics pathways; it is designed to assess programs over time.

DOWNLOADABLE FILE(S): State Readiness Assessment.docx

This tool summarizes the full process to develop and publish recommendations by the task force and provides suggestions for activities to support the process.
