Formal Charge
The Montana Math Pathways Task Force was charged by the Montana University System (MUS) to develop systemwide guidelines that addressed the following goals:
- Increase success rates in college mathematics courses that lead to graduation.
- Improve the articulation between mathematics requirements and other academic programs.
- Use data to support the system recommendations (placement and student support).
- Strengthen communication between secondary schools and colleges.
In September 2015, the task force issued the following recommendations in its task force reportview full resourceView Full ResourceDownloadFile:
- Provide a clear pathway for non-STEM students.
- Evaluate curricular requirements involving College Algebra.
- Strengthen advising processes for math.
- Stronger communication between secondary schools and college.
- Strengthen communication through Montana University System (MUS) system.
In May 2016, the Montana Board of Regents (BOR) and MUS representatives convened to re-examine the math pathways recommendations, identify math pathways accomplishments (e.g., M105Q – Contemporary Mathematics), explore corequisite remediation, and outline a timeline of activity for mathematics corequisite implementation at scale. Complete College America is assisting Montana in its current corequisite efforts.
- Montana Mathematics Initiatives PowerPoint (May 19, 2016)