Classroom Level - Planning & Implementing

Planning and implementing at the classroom level are highly integrated, so the two stages are combined.

Who should lead?

The mathematics departments are responsible for leading work at two levels: institutional and classroom. Department chairs may lead one or both levels, or designate representatives for these roles (see Take Action for information about the institutional leadership team).

What does it take?

The work requires strong cross-institutional and inter-departmental communications. Mathematics faculty play an important role as the leaders of the institutional effort and as the content experts. It is also important that the math faculty listen to others who have important perspectives to share.

Stephanie Doyen of Lone Star College - Kingwood talks about her experience teaching a course aligned with the Dana Center Mathematics Pathways Model.


7 Suggested Steps and Resources

The Dana Center has a large repository of resources for different mathematics pathways. Due to the considerable number of materials, these resources are listed by pathway rather than by a particular step in the process. For general guidance on the process of planning and implementing at the classroom level, see the DCMP Implementation Guideview full resourceView Full ResourceDownloadFile, pp. 10–19.

  1. Designated department leaders work with the leadership team to set goals for the math pathways and identify specific strategies to be implemented (see Take Action for information about the institutional leadership team).
  2. Mathematics faculty write or refine learning outcomes to define the content of math pathway courses. Sources of information may include: state learning outcomes and requirements, examples of courses from other states or institutions, and information from client disciplines.
  3. Department chairs initiate institutional processes for course approval and scheduling. The numbers of sections will be determined in collaboration with the leadership team in the overall implementation planning.
  4. Mathematics faculty select or develop curricular materials. We encourage mathematics faculty to review a wide variety of options for course materials in order to make the best selection for their local needs.
  5. Mathematics faculty create an evaluation plan to assess student learning. This should be done in conjunction with the overall evaluation plan developed by the leadership team.
  6. Faculty leaders determine professional development needs to prepare faculty to teach the courses.
  7. Mathematics faculty offer courses.

Pathway Curricular Resources

The resources below are organized by mathematics pathway. The resources include courses developed by the Dana Center. We list them as one option for faculty to consider. These and other materials can also be used to prompt discussion and facilitate departments in building consensus about desired characteristics of course materials.

  • General Pathway Information

  • Quantitative Reasoning

  • Statistical Reasoning

  • STEM-Prep (Pathway to Calculus)

  • Underprepared Students

  • Co–Requisite Support Courses

General Information:

Reports for National Committee Process to Collect Suggestions and Recommendations for Course Design:

Pathway and Course DesignDCMP Reasoning with Functions I:

Reasoning with Functions I is a college–level course that provides the algebraic skills and concepts necessary for success in Calculus along with embedded intermediate algebra content. The developmental content is seamlessly integrated within the college–level content. This course is designed for STEM–intending students whose placement scores are one level below college–ready.

DCMP Reasoning with Functions II:

General Information:

Pathway and Course Design, DCMP Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning:

This developmental–level course is designed for students placing one or two levels below college–ready, preparing them for any math pathway. Students three or more levels below are served by DCMP Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning with Co-Requisite Supports.

DCMP Frameworks for Mathematics and Collegiate Learning:

The Dana Center believes in the power of well–designed co–requisite support courses to accelerate students to success in gateway mathematics and the completion of degrees. We know that students are more likely to succeed in college if they earn their first college–level math credits within their first year. Below is a list of some of the key research and reports about co–requisite supports.

Selected Research and Reports on the Co-Req Instruction Model:

Selected Resources on the Design of a Co-Req Instruction Model:

For information about contracting for a Dana Center co–requisite workshop, please contact Connie Richardson at

DCMP Courses with Co–Req Materials:

Supplemental co–requisite support worksheets are available for Quantitative ReasoningStatistical Reasoning, and Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning and are aligned day–by–day with the parent course content. These materials are available at no additional charge for teachers and departments using DCMP courses and are appropriate for use with either a co–mingled or cohort model. For more information, please contact Connie Richardson

Note: DCMP Reasoning with Functions I is a college–level algebra course with embedded intermediate algebra content. The developmental content is seamlessly integrated within the college–level content.