State Level

Building an environment that encourages and supports the implementation of mathematics pathways requires establishing a common statewide vision, creating a positive policy environment, and mobilizing resources and leadership to support coordinated action across the 2-year and 4-year sectors

Creating the Conditions for Success

There is a fine balance in creating coherence across a state while still allowing for appropriate local customization. The Dana Center believes that mathematics faculty should take the lead on defining that balance. We have developed a process in which states establish a math task force as a vehicle for faculty leaders to define the vision for math pathways in their state. The faculty also work with appropriate state and institutional leaders to address policy obstacles and to plan how to support institutional implementation.

This process can also be applied across institutions within a region. A regional approach is effective when students commonly transfer between colleges and universities within a region and when there is a regional institution or organization able to take the leadership role.

The process at a glance:

  • Getting Started: State leadership commits to work, establishes a "hub" for the work at a lead agency, identifies leaders, and establishes the math task force. (2 – 3 months)
  • Planning: The math task force sets a vision for math pathways through a careful review of data, research, and input from stakeholder groups. The task force also develops a plan for establishing the enabling conditions for institutional implementation and communicating with stakeholder groups. The lead agency supports this process. (4 – 9 months)
  • Implementing: Working groups are created to carry out the task force implementation plan. Colleges and universities develop, share, and enact local implementation strategies. The task force and lead agency continue oversight. (12 – 18 months)
  • Continuously Improving: The task force and lead agency review progress to ensure that the vision for mathematics pathways is being implemented at scale and with high quality. (ongoing)


William Kirwan
"The Dana Center is providing exceptional leadership in helping states develop math pathways, ensuring that entering students have access to credit bearing math courses relevant to their academic and career interests. The Center’s ability to facilitate statewide collaboration means that credits in these course are seamlessly transferrable across institutions. "