The report describes the purpose of the College Prep Mathematics Course (CPMC) project which is to support districts in teaching a College Prep Mathematics course aligned to the student learning objectives outlined in the Texas Association of Community College’s Texas Success Center’s Framework for the course. The Dana Center will facilitate collaboration among school districts and institutions of higher education in Texas to implement the course and monitor its impact.
American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges AMATYC stated that intermediate algebra is an appropriate prerequisite for algebra-based gateway sequences that led to calculus (STEM); however, it is not a universal prerequisite for all college level mathematics courses.
Complete College America In order to increase the number of students earning postsecondary credentials, CCA argues that long-sequence remedial coursework is not effective. Instead, this organization proposes placement into college-level courses along with corequisite resources to promote student success.
Pamela Burdman/LearningWorks This report examines how colleges and college systems across the United States are changing their structural approach to developmental math, including these systems strategies, outcomes and future implications.
Joseph Epstein/American Mathematical Society The Calculus Concept Inventory (CCI) was developed by Epstein and a panel of experts to assess students' understanding of differential calculus concepts. The test is intended to be given as a pre-test at the beginning of a first semester calculus course and, again, as a post-test at the end of the course. This article examines CCI development and validation as a concept inventory to examine teaching methodology and curricula issues that prevail for undergraduate mathematics.
Common Core State Standards Initiative This website resource identifies K-12 common core standards in mathematics with direct links to grade-level standards, state-level standards, and additional resources for educators.
Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences
This report updates recommendations outlined in "Mathematical Education of Teachers I" for mathematical preparation of teachers at all grade levels: elementary, middle, and high school; addresses the professional development of teachers of mathematics; and discusses the mathematical needs of teachers with special responsibilities such as elementary mathematics specialists and special education teachers.
The Mathematical Association of America MAA's Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) issued this guide to build upon prior years' Guides recommendations with particular emphasis on the entire college-level mathematics curriculum for all students. CUPM 2004 is based on six fundamental recommendations for math departments, programs, and all courses in the mathematical sciences.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching This report provides descriptive statistics on 2012-2013 student outcomes as well as insights into the challenges and improvements in the second year's implementation of the Community College Pathways (CCP) program. The information presented in the report fuels the growing body of evidence for the CCP program's ability to reliably generate positive results at scale.
The California Acceleration Project A report on the 2011-2012 implementation of the California Acceleration Project (CAP) in sixteen colleges within the California Community College System. This report provides an evaluation of the work on the English and math pathways, a look into variation of institutional implementation, explores acceleration facets, such as placement and evidence that acceleration reduces the achievement gap for students of all backgrounds.